Tuesday, January 21, 2025
John Ols (Pastor John)Media Statistics:Files: 14 Plays: 46442 Likes: 4 Personal Information:Media1 - 10 of 14
Acts 19:1-10 - Pastor StevePaul encounters those who are:
Interested but incomplete (v. 1-7)
Informed but insolent (v. 8-10)
Plays: 1747
Acts 17:10-15 The Bereans - Pastor StevePastor Steve shares lessons from the Berean Church
Plays: 1962
Acts 14:8-18 Paul & Barnabas in Lystra - John OlsPastor John Ols looks at lessons from Acts 14:8-18
1) The Great Miracle
2) The Great Mistake
3) The Great News
Plays: 2823
Acts 14:1-7 Evangelism Principles - Steve GeorgesonPastor Steve preaches on the Evangelism principles in Acts 14:1-7
Plays: 3044
Acts 13:4-12 Pastor John Ols - God's Search & Rescue MissionWe are looking at the first stop of Barnabas & Saul in Cyprus:
1. God is on a search & rescue mission
2. God saves through his Word, the Gospel
3. God’s saving mission is opposed by many
4. God’s work is astonishing
Plays: 4036
Acts 13:1-4 Pastor John Ols - Barnabas & Saul SentWe will look at (1) the Properties of a godly church and (2) the Person of the Holy Spirit.
Plays: 3417
Acts 12:19-26 Pastor John Ols "Miserable death of Herod & Mighty Advance of the Gospel"Pastor John Ols shares lessons from the death of Herod Agrippa and the growth of the Gospel
Plays: 2824
Acts 12:1-19 Pastor John Ols: James is Killed and Peter Rescued•The Pressure of Persecution
•The Prayer of God’s People
•The Powerful Deliverance
•The Priority of Telling others
Plays: 3115
Acts 11:1-18 For every action there is an equal & opposite criticism - John OlsPastor John Ols continues in the study of Peter & Cornelius
We look at Peter's response to criticism as the spread of the Gospel to the Gentiles is discussed in Jerusalem.
Plays: 3386