Sunday, November 10, 2024

God chooses unlikely people

God chooses unlikely people

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Posted 2 years ago by Anonymous
It's a well-known fact that God chooses unlikely people to be His messengers. There are many reasons for this, but one of the most important is that God wants to give people the opportunity to grow in their nyt mini crossword faith. When someone is chosen to be a messenger, he or she is given the opportunity to learn about God and to grow in their relationship with Him.
Posted 2 years ago by Anonymous
God seldom chooses those shell shockers who are the most likely to succeed. Instead, He chooses the outcast, the underdog, and the unlikely option.
Length: 01:17
Added: 2011-04-04
Plays: 3618
Likes: 0




God chooses unlikely people to do his greatest work. People who have been forgotten are on God's radar. God loves to put the broken pieces of your life together to produce greatness! God's wisdom is not the same as man's wisdom,