Saturday, October 05, 2024

Missionary #2

Missionary #2

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<iframe src="http://player.e-zekiel.tv/Player.asp?key=d8y47iinb8duq9lljyb" width="480" height="270" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>




Posted 1 year ago by Anonymous
I would like to commend the classroom 6x organizers for their ingenuity and the participants for their enthusiasm in keeping this wonderful tradition alive.
Posted 6 months ago by jeffreestar
Invest in microphones with better fnaf sensitivity to capture sound from a wider range.
Posted 2 years ago by Anonymous
Those same subjects really 2048 appeal to me. I'd want to read articles like this one every day; it's very excellent. There are people in the world who express their opinions, just like you. I really appreciate you publishing such an excellent piece.
Length: 29:59
Added: 2009-09-24
Plays: 2359
Likes: 2



This recording is not perfect. Any time someone spoke without a microphone, their voice was either not picked up, or it was picked up enough for me to amplify it. The parts that are amplified are not very good quality & there is a lot of noise. But the music & sermon sound pretty good.