Friday, October 11, 2024

Message: "What Does God Require of You?" - Micah 6:8 090912pm

Message: "What Does God Require of You?" - Micah 6:8 090912pm

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Posted 4 years ago by pirtocitru111
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Length: 00:27:05
Added: 2012-09-16
Plays: 4942
Likes: 0




Sermon Series: "Hearing the Voice of God" Tonight's Message: "What Does God Require of You?" Scripture: Micah 6:8 The sermon outline may be found at www.templebaptistob.com. Thank you for joining our service! We pray that you will be blessed by our pastor's teaching and as we reach out to our community and to our world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. If you have any comments or prayer requests, please indicate them in the comment section or go to our website and submit them in a private manner. Thank you again for watching. God bless you! Like us on facebook!