Sunday, January 12, 2025
D Argast (Argie)Media Statistics:Files: 55 Plays: 1147551 Likes: 33
Media1 - 10 of 54
Valentine's Children MessageChildren's message for Valentine's Day at Robinson Chapel UMC.
Plays: 50925
Children's Processional at Robinson Chape;Christmas program by the children of Robinson Chapel UMC, Fort Wayne, IN
Plays: 41431
Mission to HaitiGuest Speaker Lorelei Verlee helps Robinson Chapel understand the challenges and opportunities for mission work in Haiti and elsewhere.
Plays: 30105
Mission to HaitiGuest Speaker Lorelei Verlee helps Robinson Chapel understand the challenges and opportunities for mission work in Haiti and elsewhere.
Plays: 41982
Mission to HaitiGuest Speaker Lorelei Verlee helps Robinson Chapel understand the challenges and opportunities for mission work in Haiti and elsewhere.
Plays: 79047
Robinson Chapel CommunionRobinson Chapel UMC celebrates communion on World Communion Sunday, Oct. 3, 2010.
Plays: 112605