Friday, January 17, 2025
Matthew SmithMedia Statistics:Files: 71 Plays: 306361 Likes: 48
Media1 - 10 of 71
Sunday Sermon - April 1, 2018 - Rev. Josh NewberryThis sermon was shared on Easter Sunday, and it is entitled, "April Fools" The scripture focus is Mark 16:1-8.
Plays: 4982
Sunday Sermon - March 25, 2018 - Rev. Josh NewberryThis sermon is on Palm Sunday and the scripture focus is on Mark 11:1-11.
Plays: 4281
Sunday Sermon - March 18, 2018 - Rev. Josh NewberryThis sermon is entitled, "Rehab: Promise" and is the fifth in a series during Lent. The scripture focus is Jeremiah 31:31-34.
Plays: 4041
Sunday Sermon - March 11, 2018 - Rev. Josh NewberryThis sermon is entitled, "Rehab: Recovery" and is the fourth in a series during Lent. The focus scripture is John 3:14-21.
Plays: 4309
Sunday Sermon - February 4, 2018 - Rev. Josh NewberryThis sermon is entitled, "Rehab: Program" and is the third in our series for Lent. The scripture focus is Exodus 20:1-17.
Plays: 4289
Sunday Sermon - February 25, 2018 - Rev. Josh NewberryThis sermon is entitled "Rehab: Intervention" and is the second in the sermon series for Lent. The scripture focus is Mark 8:31-38.
Plays: 3978
Sunday Sermon - February 4, 2018 - Rev. Josh NewberryThis sermon is entitled, "Everyone Is Looking For You" and it is based on the scripture reading from Mark 1:29-39.
Plays: 4919
Sunday Sermon - January 28, 2018 - Rev. Josh NewberryThis sermon is entitled, "The Exercise of Your Freedom" and is based on the scripture reading from 1 Corinthians 8:1-13.
Plays: 5312
Sunday Sermon - January 21, 2017This sermon is entitled, "But, God, They Don't Deserve You..." and it is based on the scripture reading from Jonah 3:1-5, 10.
Plays: 5516
Sunday Sermon - January 7, 2018 - Rev. Josh NewberryThis sermon is entitled, "The Three R's Of Baptism" and is based on the scripture reading from Mark 1:1-13.
Plays: 20356