Thursday, October 10, 2024
Donna PatchinMedia Statistics:Files: 15 Plays: 93383 Likes: 9
Media1 - 10 of 15
Part 2, Walking the Spirit-Lit PathWalking the Spirit-Lit Path, A sermon series by Derek Westmoreland
Plays: 6825
Part 4, Walking the Spirit-Lit PathWalking the Spirit-Lit Path, A Sermon Series by Derek Westmoreland
Plays: 6814
Part 3, Walking the Spirit-Lit PathWalking the Spirit-Lit Path, a Sermon
Series by Derek Westmoreland
Plays: 6313
Part 1, Walking the Spirit-Lit PathWalking the Spirit-Lit Path, A sermon series by Derek Westmoreland
Plays: 6326
David MillerAn Exposition of Colossians 3:1-4 by
David Miller, President of Line Upon Line Ministries
Plays: 5783
David Miller "MainStream Missionaries"A sermon from Bro. David Miller,
President of Line Upon Line Ministries
Plays: 16549
The Call to Serve (Matthew 25:31-40)"The Call" A sermon series by
Pastor Derek Westmoreland
Plays: 6352
The Call to Pray, Part 2 (Luke 22:39-46)"The Call" A sermon series by
Pastor Derek Westmoreland
Plays: 6012
The Call to Pray, Part 1 (Ephesians 6:18-20)The Call
A sermon series by Pastor Derek Westmoreland
Plays: 5694