Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Pastors Ralph and Pamela Hale (Fathers Heart Ministries)Media Statistics:Files: 226 Plays: 876514 Likes: 109
Media81 - 90 of 226
The Arrow of DeliveranceNo doubt you have been shot at many times as a Christian. We all have. Often, we forget that our God has a bow and arrow too.
God's Word is a two- edged sword, yet, it is also an arrow in the hand of God's warriors.
It is alive and powerful! It will deliver!
Plays: 3034
Where is Boasting?As born again believers, we have much to boast about. God's work, His plan for us, many ways he has healed and provided, delivered and helped us etc.
However, we can never take credit for any of it ourselves. It all comes through Jesus Christ! He did it all! He and He alone deserves the glory!
Plays: 3104
Who We AreJesus asked, "Who do men say that I am? Then again, who do men say that I am?"
While man re still trying to answer that question, we are presented with another? Who do we, the children of God say that He is?
We must know who Jesus is and who we are in Him if we are to be the light of the world. This message will help us!
Plays: 2623
When He is ComeNo doubt we are living in the last days. We Christians should be looking for , with great excitement, the coming of Jesus! Amen!
However, He comes to everyone who calls and looks or Him while we are waiting.
When He comes- Great things come!
Plays: 2875
Build a HouseIt is true that we Christians are to be in a building program all the time. However, our focus is not to be temples that rival Solomon's.
We first must be secured on the right, solid, foundation of Jesus Christ.
Then we can build what will last for the advancement of God's kingdom, our spiritual nature and for the glory of God.
Plays: 3145
Day and NightIn our world, there are many things left to the individual person to choose. However, in spiritual matters, there is no middle road. There are no grey areas. We, the children of god are of the day. Those without are of the night. The difference is to be manifest accordingly. Of course, God would have all come to the Light. The shining of the Day draws them!
Plays: 3039
Things Yet to ComeA continuing look at this generation reveals that each generation teaches nd impacts the next.
This generation can see it is potential by the impartation of past and present generations.
As the old, yet true saying goes: The best is yet to come!
Plays: 3407
This GenerationWhat is this generation like? How do we see it?How does God see it?
Every generation has similarities and uniqueness. However, every generation has the same opportunities and challenges. In this message, we take a closer look at what we ought to see rather than what we are tricked into seeing.
Plays: 2987
Who Gave You This Authority?The centurion recognized the authority Jesus had.He, himself, was a man of authority, under authority!
The religious leaders of the day had authority. They knew who gave them that authority. Yet, they ask Jesus, who gave you what you have? It is "this" authority we must know and where it came from.
Plays: 3074
Go on to PerfectionWhile there are many who preach we can not be perfect, the Bible says different.
The Word of God commands holy and perfect as God is. We are all called to grow up mature into complete Christ likeness. This message will challenge us!
Plays: 3001