Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Pastors Ralph and Pamela Hale (Fathers Heart Ministries)Media Statistics:Files: 226 Plays: 876267 Likes: 109
Media31 - 40 of 226
Knowing ThatAs a born again believer there are some things we must know and be confident of.
In this message we will explore why both the devil and God want us dead but in different ways and for different reasons.
We know that the future is better than the past.
Plays: 2450
Our True Source of SafetyNo doubt everyone wants to feel and be safe. However, what many do to get the feeling of safety, produces a false sense of security.
In this message, we share a real time way to attain true safety and security.
Listen carefully, then, just do it!
Plays: 3415
Facing GiantsWe all have them! We often run away rather than stand.
However, we will not enjoy the abundant life promised, total peace or full joy until these giants are freed and conquered!
In this message we give you battle strategy that if followed, will bring victory in every area of life.
Plays: 2347
And I Turned (to see)If we are to see and hear all the Lord has for us in these last days.We must posses a fuller, clearer revelation of Him.
This unveiling will only come as we hunger, repent, seek holiness and walk in courage.
Listen carefully, our future victorious depend on.
Plays: 2730
To HimWe often recognize people who have blessed our lives and rightly so. However,we should never forget to give thanks to Him alone who has done great and mighty exploits for all people!
In this message we call our attention to the goodness and mercy of Him who ought to be praised.
Plays: 6070
Being Led By the SpiritPeople are always being led by something. Although, many will not admit it. The Bible says we were led away by idols before coming to Christ.
However, after knowing Jesus, we are taught to yoke up with Him and become followers as dear children.
The Lord is our Shepherd! However, He cannot lead us where we need to go if we do not follow. Be led by the Spirit!
Plays: 3579
The Atmosphere of HeavenThe entirely of Scripture directs us to the person of Jesus Christ. In the law, He is hidden by the ordinances and symbols. In the prophets, He is spoken of as being past, present and future.. IN Revelation, He is revealed as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. However, in all of this, He is the God as near as the next heart beat!
Plays: 3167
Our God is GodWe live in a time when viruses threaten our health, mobs, rioters and violence in the streets of our cities. Attempts of government takes over and socialistic agendas are filling the political arena and the promotion of other gods, we must know who the true God is.
Only Jesus Christ reigns! Who is on the Lord's side? Come to Jesus!
Plays: 2599
Clear VisionOur Time may resemble the roaring 20's in many ways. However, we are roaring with the sound of heaven touching earth!
It is the time of fulfillment, a time of vision and promises being manifested.It is the time of the outpouring of God's Spirit and the time of harvest. Can you see it? Can you hear it? Are you ready?
Plays: 2678
Keeping OurselvesKeeping? That is a deep word. Many put all the keeping over on God and accept little or no responsibility.
However scripture puts that over on us when we do as scripture says... God's power kicks in and we experience the reality of His wonderful promises. So, choose to keep yourselves!
Plays: 2825