Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Pastors Ralph and Pamela Hale (Fathers Heart Ministries)Media Statistics:Files: 226 Plays: 880807 Likes: 109
Media111 - 120 of 226
At His Table/ Communion at EndThe old song says: Come and Dine the Master calleth, come and dine. You may feast at Jesus Table all the time.
This message is to remind us that the invitation is still in effect. We can taste and see that the Lord is good! All the time!
Plays: 4446
The LaborerThis is a powerful call and a great necessity. Before Zion can bring forth, she must travail in birth pangs.
We, likewise, are to become laborers in fervent prayer for one another. The goal is to see the purpose of God come forth. Christ formed in us!
Plays: 3513
DeliveranceWe don't hear much about the need for deliverance these days. We have been taught to seek counseling or to accept the way we are because God created us that way.
In this message we explain the ongoing need for God's work of deliverance in us all.
Plays: 3913
Developing the Nature of ChristWhile we are born again Scripture declares we are new creatures in Christ.While this is true, it all doesn't manifest immediately.
Developing the nature of Christ takes time. Christ is to be formed in us.
Many frustrations come to those who don't understand the pattern. This message will help you develop Christ's nature in you.
Plays: 3863
Life FlowWe all say we want Jesus to use us. We pray, we get in prayer lines etc. While all this may help, only one thing will produce a life flow of Him. That is He, Himself.
Christ will flow from us only as much as He flows into us. That only comes by seeking! This message will change your life!
Plays: 3589
For it is God Working in YouWe all feel like, at times, our Christianity is hard work and wonder if it is worth what we put in to it. It is easy and quickly taken advantage of by our enemy. He wants us to get caught up in the mechanics of it all and loose sight of what it's really about. It's all about the good pleasure of God! It's Him at work in us. Loving submission and obedience will bring such a freedom and release to our lives. Please hear and receive this word!
Plays: 3795
Believers WorksIt is true that God so loves the world. It is evident that He has proven this by sending Jesus. It is further evident that He continues to reach out to the world by sending His church.
His church of true believers are suppose to have the same signs that Jesus had. What are they?
Plays: 3793
What Seek YeAll of us are extremely busy these days. Finding time for everything is a challenge. What are we seeking? Will it satisfy? Does it guarantee the fulfillment we are longing for- if indeed we are longing at all.
This message is the voice and call of Holy Ghost to seek only the true riches.
Can you hear?
Plays: 3417
For the Glory of GodDavid prepared for the building of God's temple because it was in his heart too. He handed that project to his son Solomon to complete. David and all the people supplied abundant resources to see the project would not fail or come short.
Today, we have been handed the commission for the latter house, whose glory is to exceed the glory of the former!
Plays: 3427
The Building of the WallNo doubt there are many difficult times in our lives. Some are simply because we live in a fallen world. However, many of our troublesome times could be avoided if we would simply deal with sin. Yes, sin causes death and destruction. As Christians we are to live in and expect the blessings of God. If that is not happening, or if we are loosing ground, sin is probably the culprit. Start building again, deal with sin!
Plays: 3949