Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Pastors Ralph and Pamela Hale (Fathers Heart Ministries)Media Statistics:Files: 226 Plays: 876603 Likes: 109
Media101 - 110 of 226
When we prayTo many prayers are little more than the whimpers of Jezebel's eunichs.
When we pray it should move mountains, save the lost, heal the sick, see captives reed and much, much more!
Let's get excited and serious about the powerful weapon given to us!
Plays: 3126
God's PurposeMany Christians wander through their Christian life aimlessly. Not knowing the will of God for them, grasping at straws missing the ultimate which God has prepared through Christ.
Grasp and embrace this very important word and your life will take in mew meaning.
Plays: 3372
VictoryWhat a sweet sound! However, so few can say that "I have it". Many fail to realize that God wants us to have victory over all of our enemies.
Others, accept partial victories and learn to live with defeat in others. This is not the will of God for us.
Be inspired to challenge your enemies and win!
In Jesus Name!
Plays: 3247
Changed by the Power of GodPeople everywhere are wishing for a better year. Many are making resolutions they may not keep. Some are sincerely making decisions to change or the better. The truth is, nothing can change us or the better but the Power of God!Listen and take heed to this life changing word!
Plays: 3315
The Nature of the Spirit of ElijahMalachi prophesied and Jesus confirmed that Elijah would come before His return. It is easy to see we are fast approaching the coming of Jesus. However, first the spirit of Elijah must com. Will we recognize this end time work of god? Learn what to Expect in this very timely message.
Plays: 3451
Unless I Had BelievedThere is no doubt we as believers are faced with very strong challenges. We live in a time when all opposition is standing boldly against us. This Word will encourage and help you to believe and you will see God's goodness even in difficult times.
Plays: 3253
Greater Is HeI believe we all want to be great at something. We find ourselves competing, cheering others to victory etc. The winners circle is a great place to be.
Spiritually speaking, most do not want to put in the time, training and endurance it takes to overcome and win the victor's crown.
It is not difficult when we understand the overcoming one is in us!
Plays: 3465
Problems and PassionWe all know God wants to show himself mighty on our behalf. Yet, so few see this happening in their lives.
Two things will cause us to draw near to God:problems and passion. If the former is the catalyst, we probably won't stay long.Passion is more effective and what God wants.
Plays: 3962
RevivalNot a few nights of services where we invite a special speaker and some singer.
This is what revival has been reduced to in far to many congregations.
What we need today is an old fashioned, yet, new as the morning, out pouring of the Holy Ghost!
Wilt thou not revive us again?
Plays: 3691
Small ThingsMost of us a believers view ourselves as being insignificant in God's great plan of things. However, when we view things from His viewpoint we see things differently.
Each small thing is important if all bigger things are to take its shape and place. Lets cherish where we are and what we have to offer!
Plays: 3567