Sunday, January 26, 2025
Dana Braxton (DBraxton)Media Statistics:Files: 276 Plays: 845337 Likes: 136
Media11 - 20 of 276
1/31/16 Support for the SufferingPastor Washington continues the Support Series with a sermon from 2 Corinthians 1:1-12 entitled, Support for the Suffering.
Plays: 3789
1/24/16 Once Upon a Time When Giving Exceeded the NeedPastor Washington continues the Support Series with a sermon from Ecclesiastes 36:1-7 entitled, Once Upon a Time When Giving Exceeded the Need.
Plays: 4191
1/17/16 I Got YouPastor Washington begins a new Support Series with a sermon entitled, I Got You.
Plays: 3268
1/10/16 What is Biblical FaithThis Sunday Elder Emperator delivers a quick and concise sermon entitled, What is Biblical Faith.
Plays: 3749
1/3/16 Who's In Your Ear?Pastor Washington begins the new year with a sermon entitled, Who's in Your Ear?
Plays: 3708
12/27/15 The Right and Wrong Way to SufferThis Sunday Pastor Washington delivers and exposition entitled, The Right and Wrong Way to Suffer.
Plays: 3510
12/20/15 Why We Needed Christ to be BornThis Sunday Elder Emperator delivers a Christmas sermon entitled, Why We Needed Christ to be Born.
Plays: 3974
12/13/15 The Privilege of FellowshipPastor Washington continues with the One Verse series with a sermon from John 9:31 entitled, The Privilege of Fellowship.
Plays: 3669
12/6/15 Why Our Present Hope Should be GodThis Sunday, Pastor Washington delivered an exposition on James 4:14 entitled, Why Our Present Hope Should be God.
Plays: 4387
11/29/15 The Sin of ThanklessnessPastor Washington pauses from the Evangelism Series during this season of thanks to deliver as sermon entitled, The Sin of Thanklessness.
Plays: 2812