Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Tina TappMedia Statistics:Files: 289 Plays: 3013136 Likes: 172
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![]() Power of the ChurchJesus died on the cross and rose on the 3rd day to overcome the world. He told the disciples to remain in Jerusalem until they were filled with power, the Holy Spirit. The same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is the same Holy Spirit that lives within the believer. The Holy Spirit gives us power to preach the Gospel, overcome sin, heal the sick and release the captives.
Plays: 6922
![]() Put Aside For the KingdomPaul addressed the Corinthian church about putting aside money to help others. Paul preached about believers helping other believers. We should always be ready to help.
Plays: 11636
![]() Learn the TruthThe truth of God's Word is not being taught. Instead, we false doctrines and watered-down messages. We look around and see churches becoming seeker-friendly rather than God friendly. The Bible is clear that if we do not know and practice the truth, we can and will be deceived. With the days growing more evil, how ready are believers to stand for truth?
Plays: 35310
![]() Resurrection PowerIn 1 Corinthians 15, Paul talks about the importance of the resurrection of Jesus. Without His resurrection, there is no power of sin, death, hell and the grave. Jesus overcame it all! If Jesus had not been raised from the dead, our preaching is useless. All power, glory and honor unto Jesus!
Plays: 8379
![]() Resurrection Life NowBy one man's sin, death immediately entered the world. Jesus died for our sins. He was buried and raised from the dead. He died so that we might have life now. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives within us when we are born again. We must believe and activate this power in faith. The world needs to see this power lived out daily.
Plays: 8334
![]() Resurrection PowerJesus came to save us from our sin. He died on the cross. The truly incredible part is that He rose on the 3rd day. He conquered death, hell and the grave. No other person has nor could do that. The same power that raised Him from the grave resides in every believer. We must learn this and operate in this power.
Plays: 6763
![]() The Gates of Hell Will Not PrevailWe look around and get distracted by the things going on. One thing is absolutely clear. The gates of hell will not prevail against the Kingdom of God. Jesus defeated death, hell and the grave. He overcame sin. There is no enemy that can prosper against us. Jesus made the way so all might enter in.
Plays: 12169
![]() Love1 Corinthians 13. This is known as the love chapter. Paul puts it between chapters discussing gifts. If we can do all things but do not have love, what do we have? Are we just wanting to be noticed? We must do all things with love as our motivation.
Plays: 13642
![]() SeeThere once was a man blind since birth. He had to beg for his daily needs. Then he encountered Jesus. Jesus touched his eyes. The Pharisees could not understand what had happened and questioned the man. He finally said, "I once was blind but now I see". He could see physically and spiritually.
Plays: 9367
![]() Desire Spiritual Gifts1 Corinthians 12 talks about spiritual gifts. There are many gifts but they all come from the same God. We should desire to have spiritual gifts to glorify the Father. There are no small or large gifts and no gifts are more important than the others.
Plays: 15282