Sunday, January 19, 2025
Lisa Godard (Lisa)Media Statistics:Files: 633 Plays: 2979318 Likes: 450 Personal Information:I currently maintain this website; if you have any questions, please contact me at any time: webservant@vernonadventchristianchurch.com
Media11 - 20 of 628
052922 Nothing but the Truth_False Gospels- Religion GospelPastor Derek:
May 29, 2022
Nothing But The Truth: False Gospels – Religion Gospel
Galatians 1:6-10; 2:15-3:5
Vernon Advent Christian Church
Intro – Theme “Nothing But The Truth”
- Importance of building a Biblical worldview
- Easy to spot the differences outside the Church
Plays: 2679
051522 Nothing but the Truth_What is the Gospel?Theme: Nothing but the Truth Title: – What is the Gospel? – I Corinthians 15:1-8 Aim: Communicate the tenets of the Gospel.
Plays: 2350
050822 Nothing but the Truth_Is God Still Speaking?Nothing but the Truth: Is God Still Speaking? - Hebrews 1:1-3
Plays: 2233
050122 _ Missions Conference 2022 _Pastor Whiting- AfricaPastor Bryce Whiting presents: Africa
Plays: 2267
042422 Missions Conference Message from Ciprian Droma042422 Missions Conference Message from Ciprian Droma
Plays: 2525
041722 Resurrection Sunday_Nothing but the Truth_He Lives- Ask me how I knowwTheme: Nothing but the Truth Title: – He Lives! Ask Me How I Know – John 19:38-20:10 Aim: Declaration of our Lord’s resurrection.
Plays: 2552
040322_Nothing but the Truth_The Problem of Evil040322_Nothing but the Truth_The Problem of Evil - Pastor Derek,
Romans 1:18-25;28
Plays: 2515
032722_Nothing but the Truth_A God of Purpose032722_Nothing but the Truth_A God of Purpose - Pastor Derek
Romans 8: 18-39
Plays: 2389
031322 Nothing but the Truth_Woe is Us!Theme: Nothing but the Truth Title: – Woe is Us! – Psalm 51:1-19 Aim: Express that mankind is basically evil & in need of God’s salvation.
Plays: 2915