Thursday, January 23, 2025
Donna ExcellMedia Statistics:Files: 67 Plays: 343157 Likes: 24 Personal Information:Media21 - 30 of 63
A Believer's Pride and Predicament (Part B)2 Samuel 12:1-15, 22-23. Our genuine repentance earns the grace of God
Plays: 5618
A Believer's Pride and Predicament ( Part A)2 Samuel 12:1-15. Believers cannot miss the inescapable eyes of God- the Holy Spirit rejects, approve and supports the believer
Plays: 5217
A Leader's Greatest Weapon (Part B)2 Samuel 1:11-27. A Good loving character keep you stron in times of distress and grief
Plays: 5326
A Leader's Greatest Weapon (Part A)2 Samuel 1:11-27. Good character asks questions, assesses the issue and does not jump to conclusion.
Plays: 5256
An Invitation from the KingRev 22: 7-21; God is a gracious, loving and forgiving God. Some people say I have some secret sins or I have to wait until I clean up my life but not so when you accept the King's invitation.
Plays: 5514
Harvest is God OrdainedGenesis 3:23; Gen 8:22;What is Harvest? Why do we celebrate Harvest? Rev. Green discusses Harvest as a fulfillment of God's promise to us.
Plays: 4956
The Principle and Practice of Agape (Part B)1 Samuel 9:1-11. Agape protects it's object at all cost
Plays: 5628
The Principle and Practice of Agape (Part A)1 Samuel 19: 1-11; Agape gives pleasure to it's subject.
Plays: 5726