Thursday, January 16, 2025
Alec Rogers (alecrogers)Media Statistics:Files: 9 Plays: 170672 Likes: 10 Personal Information:Media1 - 9 of 9
The Third Day He Rose (1Cor 15:3-8)Pastoral Intern Alec Rogers continues the series on the Apostles' Creed, this week focusing on the Resurrection.
Plays: 16803
"Inseparable" (Romans 8:28-39) Alec Rogers, Pastoral InternMCC's Pastoral Intern for the fall of 2014 talks about the ways we experience separations in life and how God uses all things in the lives of His people to bring about their good, namely, to form them into the shape of Christ.
Plays: 11065
King David: The Promise of GracePastor Jack explores some differences between the Old and New Covenants through the life of King David.
Plays: 14320
King Saul: Everything But What Matters MostA look at the way biblical love and obedience flow from and comprise a right relationship with God using the contra example of the first monarch of Israel, King Saul.
Plays: 66230