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Sunset United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Love. Live. Lead the Gospel!
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, you may have signed up with a different username. Try entering your username in the
field. Once you have successfully logged in, you will be prompted to update your account to use your email address in the future.
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To enhance system security and performance, user sessions only remain active for up to 20 minutes between page requests. Selecting "Remember Me" will keep your session active for up to 24 hours from your last page request.
Because the token will be stored on the computer's hard drive until you log out (even if you disconnect from the internet, close your browser, or turn off your computer), you should always log out before leaving the computer unattended.
Do not select the "Remember Me" option if you are using a public or shared computer. Forgetting to log out could allow other people to access your account.
709 Allendale
Pasadena, Texas 77502
(713) 473-7657
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