Wesley United Methodist Church
Sunday, June 02, 2024

Membership Information

What does it mean to be a member of Wesley Church? 
Becoming a member of Wesley Church means that you are member of the United Methodist Church.  Membership in the United Methodist Church is offered to baptized persons who are ready to make a commitment to ministry and service in Christ's name, and who seek to continue their growth in faith through the grace of God.  Persons make a pledge to support the ministry of our church by their prayers, their active presence, the sharing of their gifts, and their service.  
What if I am not baptized?
During this service, you will come up to the chancel  in order to be baptized and brought into the church as a member.  If you are already baptized, you can take membership during this worship service.  If you are member of another church, you can have your membership transferred to our church and become a member of this congregation during this service.
How does the membership process start?
Those who have been attending worship for several Sundays will be contacted by someone from our New Member Outreach Team.  Continued interest in Wesley Church should be followed by contact from the pastor, followed by an invitation for membership.  A conversation about membership can take place before being contacted by the pastor by simply checking the box 'Desire Member Info' on the worship attendance sheet in service or by contacting the church office.   Please let the office know if someone from our New Member Outreach Team has not yet contacted you.
Where can I get more information about Methodism and Wesley Church?

There are
adult education classes that can answer many of your questions.  You can also make an appointment to see the pastor during his office hours.  Call the church office at 549-1550 if you would like to make an appointment.  
Regardless of whether you're a member or a regularly attending non-member, everyone is considered part of the active church family.  We value your attendance and service.