FBC Kingsland
Friday, September 27, 2024

Ladies Legacy

Legacy is a ministry for Women of all ages.

How will you pass on a Godly heritage to future generations?  Legacy Women seek to learn from their past to determine their future…drawing from past legacies and leaving their own.  Our God is a creative God, and as we are made in His image, there are so many ways to express that side of ourselves in a way that honors and reflects Him!  We can encourage and mentor each other, as we make new friendships and share in some fun activities!  
To see when the next event is check our Events Page.
Our theme in March was “The Best Part of Waking Up is Jesus in Your Heart!”

All the activities came together at the end of the day as a gift of encouragement.  The activities centered around our love of coffee as we painted coffee mugs, bagged coffee mix, decorated gift bags and made tags for the gift bags.   Here are some of the beautiful centerpieces that were also door prizes!


And now to share a few pictures of the fun and fellowship time!

Doing crafts lifts our spirits and give us time to share “girl to girl”.

Our multi-generational group is such a blessing!
New friendships were made and “older” ones nourished. 


During picture time Janeth and Jessica pose for the camera with a cup of “Joe.”
The red cup between them symbolizes the presence of Christ in their conversation.

The time of inspiration given by Jenna Collins was a blessing to all. 
What a precious story of the importance of living and leaving a Godly Legacy!

We will all leave a legacy, what will yours be? 

For more information about Legacy you may email the church or Teresa O’Neal at 912-510-6594.