FBC Kingsland
Friday, September 27, 2024

KFBC Awana Club FAQ's

If you have gotten to this page, you probably have questions about Kingsland First Baptist Church (KFBC) Awana Club.  Click on one of the questions below to find out more.  If your question is not answered here or in the Kingsland FBC Awana Club Handbook, please contact the church office at (912) 729-5521 or email the church, or the Club Commander, Mr. Ken Smith, or (912) 882-8472 or (904) 673-8452.
Awana is an international youth program offered by KFBC, using the curriculum and materials of Awana Clubs International, to be a positive influence in the development of young people.  Awana stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed, which is taken from 2 Timothy 2:15 (NIV): 
“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” 
Our KFBC Awana program is divided into six age specific groups for age 2 through 6th grade.  Please note that children must meet the age/grade criterion as of August 18th, 2013 for the 2013-2014 club year).
Puggles – Age 2  
Cubbies – Age 3 and 4
Sparks – Kindergarten through 2nd Grade
T&T Ultimate Challenge – 5th and 6th Grade 
Our KFBC Awana Club's central purpose is to help boys and girls learn and understand the Word of God in an age-appropriate manner, while also being a place where they can have fun.  Our prayer is the prayer of Awana Clubs International:  “That all children and youth throughout the world will come to know, love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ.”
What do Awana Clubs teach?      
The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Everyone is a sinner (Romans 3:23) and in God's eyes deserves eternal punishment in hell (Romans 6:23, Revelation 20:15).  But Jesus Christ, God's Son, paid the penalty for our sin when He was crucified on the cross and rose from the dead (Romans 5:8; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4).  If we trust Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, we receive God's gift of eternal life in heaven. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  Salvation is a free gift; we cannot buy it or earn it by doing good works (Ephesians 2:8-9).  Instead we must simply accept it.  Each child and leader must understand this important message, for it is what our Awana Clubs teach and the reason for their existence.
Why should my kids attend?     
Awana offers sound Biblical instruction, scripture memorization, organized games, great Christian Fellowship, and awards for completing scripture verses and good sportsmanship.  Plus, your children will have a blast!
When does the KFBC Awana Club meet?     
Our KFBC Awana Club meets weekly on Sunday evenings from 5:00 to 7:00 PM.  Our club calendar is coordinated with the Camden County school calendar, so that our first club night of the year is the Sunday after the beginning of school.  Club meets every night that there are evening activities at Kingsland First Baptist Church. (please see our calendar for details).   
What happens at Awana Club? 
Our KFBC basic club routine each week is as follows:

Opening Ceremony –  Pledges to the American and Awana flags, singing the Awana Theme Song, welcoming visitors, and presentation of uniforms when earned.  (Puggles, because of their young age, do not participate in the opening ceremony, but meet in their own room.) 
After the Opening Ceremony, each club departs to participate in separate activities as follows:

Game Time – Clubbers participate as team members in physical activities which develop team cooperation, good sportsmanship, coordination skills, and self-confidence. Although games are competitive in nature, leaders are encouraged to give top priority to building and preserving each clubber's self esteem.  During this time a snack is provided for the clubbers.

Handbook Time – When the leaders work with the clubbers to learn and understand their Scripture verses.  Leaders sign the clubbers' handbook sections when they satisfactorily complete their sections, and earn award points which can be redeemed in the Awana store which is held four times a year.  Handbook time is a time for adult leaders to encourage clubbers in their spiritual life and to show that they care. Parents are also encouraged to help their children at home.
Council Time – A group Bible lesson taught by a leader from each club.
At the end of the club night you will pick up your child in the Social Hall, except that Puggles will be picked up in their room. 
Clubbers are recognized for their achievements in working through their handbooks.  Awards, which are worn on the uniform, are presented weekly for finishing portions of each handbook.  Awards are also presented quarterly for Sunday school and Awana club attendance.  Handbooks are designed so the average child can finish a book in a single club year (32 club nights).  Book completion awards are given out at Awana Graduation Night which is the last club night of the year.
Children receive Awana points for various reasons; most importantly, attendance and sections completed.  (Please see the KFBC Awana Handbook for the specific points assigned to each activity.)  The Awana store is held four times a year (please see the club calendar for specific dates).
Are there special events at Awana Club?     
Yes!   We have Theme Nights several times a year such as Farmer Night, Blackout Night, Sticky Notes Night, and the Thanskgiving favorite, Turkey Bowling. We recognize clubber (and leader) birthdays once a month. We also have a club Grand Prix each spring. The club calendar should be consulted for a full list and event dates.

How do I register my child?     
The Awana Welcome Desk is open at 4:45 pm every club Sunday.  It is located in the hallway between the Worship Center and the Social Hall.  We have hard copy registration forms available at the Welcome Desk, or you may download your registration form here (requires Adobe Reader) and bring it to the Welcome Desk.  Thereafter, every club night your child will check in at the Welcome Desk. The Awana Welcome Desk is where you may also go to for any information you may need about KFBC Awana clubs.
First, come to the Awana Welcome Desk and complete a registration form for each of your children. We will show you where your child will meet at the beginning of the club night, and make sure you know where to pick them up.  Parents are always welcome to sit in and see what happens with their child (or children) in club.
What do I do while my child is in club?     
At this time other evening activities at FBC Kingsland do not begin until 6:00pm. We understand that you may not want to sit and wait, but we ask that if you are off campus you provide a cell phone number where you can be reached in case of emergency.
What does it cost?     
Dues:  Dues for KFBC Awana Club are 50 cents per night or $16.00 for the year (32 club nights) for kindergarten through 6th grade (Sparks and Truth and Training Clubs), and 25 cents per night or $8.00 for the year for 2-4 years old (Puggles and Cubbies).  Partial payments are accepted. 
Handbooks and Uniforms (Cubbies and up; Puggles do not have books or uniforms):  The first Entrance Book is free.  If needed, replacements are available for 25 cents.  When the Entrance Book is completed, you will receive a handbook and uniform order form, so that your child may receive a handbook to work in through the year.  
 Handbook prices are $10.00 for Cubbies and Sparks, $13.00 for
T&T Ultimate Adventure, and $14.00 for T&T Ultimate Challenge.
Also, upon completion of the entrance booklet, a clubber is eligible to wear the Awana uniform. We encourage each clubber to purchase and to wear the uniform to club each week.  Awana requires that a clubber must have a uniform in order to receive the awards he has earned.  Also, clubbers receive Awana points for coming to club in uniform.  Uniform prices range from $10.00 to $14.00 depending on club.
Ability to pay will never be an impediment to your child participating in our KFBC Awana Club.  Please see the Club Commander if you have a need in this regard.
How can I volunteer to help?     
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Club Commander.  These are the qualifications for serving as an Awana leader or helper:

• Saved
• Walking with the Lord
• Growing in your relationship with the Lord
• Feeling a call to work with children
• A member of Kingsland First Baptist Church, and in compliance with our church's requirements of leadership
Please be aware that all prospective leaders must be 16 years old or older, and are required to submit to a background check.
Awana Clubs International Home Page