Wesley United Methodist Church
Friday, December 27, 2024

Sunday Worship

Inspiring Worship
Sunday morning worship is celebrated through scripture, prayer, music, drama and a morning message designed to inspire our faith. For the first 20 minutes of worship, children are encouraged to be a part of the worship service.  After spending time with the minister for the Children’s Conversation, the children may either go to Sunday School or stay for the rest of the service with their parents. 

Music Ministry
During worship, we celebrate our faith through music and drama. The church has an Adult Choir, a Praise Team, and a spirited Handbell Choir.  A state-of-the art sound system and a trained audio-video team support these vital parts of the worship service.

Fellowship After Worship
Time after worship offers an open and causal atmosphere to experience the hospitality of Wesley Church, as visitors are welcomed and relationships strengthened. In addition to after-worship fellowship, other social events and outings, cook-outs, baby and wedding showers, and other activities are held throughout the year both at the church and at member’s homes.


Worship with us on Community Television
If you are unable to join us in person, please join us on community television.  A number of local communities rebroadcast our worship services on their community television stations, and you are invited to worship with us from home.  As of fall 2019, the schedule is as follows, but may change without notice.  Please visit the websites of the local stations to verify the broadcast schedule.
9:00 AM:  Hadley (no online schedule available)
11:30 AM:  Frontier Community Access - Channel 12 (Sunderland, Whately, Conway, and Deerfield) (Frontier Community Access schedule)
5:00 PM:  Amherst Public Access - Channel 12  (Amherst Media schedule)