Sunday, June 02, 2024

Official Statement by CFB-HOD H.E Brandon McGeer on Russian-Ukraine Situation

Official Statement by CFB-HOD H.E Brandon McGeer on Russian-Ukraine Situation

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Length: 00:03:57
Added: 2014-03-19
Plays: 4118
Likes: 0



Under the guidelines of the constitution, the Commissioner & Head of Delegation H.E Brandon C. McGeer released an prepared audio statement on and regarding the situation within the Member State of Ukraine and humanity in general. ------------ Furthermore, under article A.1 section 3 & 4 of the constitution, the Commissioner calls upon the Member States to place forward a Sanctions Regime to deal with Russia's direct and total disregard of International Law. Please stay tuned to www.offun.us for further updates........ Copyrighted to the Office of the Commissioner for Burns,an IGO 2014-2020